Print Media

Enrolment drive

By Rashid Amjad Published in Dawn on May 10, 2024 IN a promising albeit familiar declaration, the prime minister has announced a four-year “education emergency” […]


Print Media

Grapes of wrath

By Rashid Amjad Published in Dawn on May 09, 2024 HOW I would like to live in the dream world of the neoliberal economist, in[…]


Print Media

Time to act is now

By Stefan Dercon Published in Dawn on April 09, 2024 OVER the last three decades, including as the chief economic adviser for the UK’s development[…]


Print Media

ASER’s verdict

By Zubeida Mustafa Published in Dawn on April 05, 2024 WHEN Gen Charles Napier conquered Sindh in 1843, he sent a single-word message to his[…]