Presentation on “Poverty in Pakistan: What We Know and What We Need to Know” by Dr. Moritz Meyer, Senior Economist, World Bank and Coordinator, World Bank Poverty Assessment Report Pakistan at GIDS on 25th November 2021

Dr. Moritz Meyer, Senior Economist, World Bank visited the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), Lahore School of Economics on 25th November 2021.

He presented the current patterns and trends of monetary and non-monetary household welfare of Pakistan. He highlighted that while there has been an overall substantial decline in poverty between 2001 and 2018, large disparities in living standards remain when observed at provincial and district level. The divide between rural and urban areas is also significant.

His presentation included the impact of Covid-19 on poverty; he mentioned that projected estimates suggest a reversal and increase in poverty trends in the country but the actual impact on household welfare remains unclear. With persistently poor health and educational outcomes and limited progress made in the area, the pandemic is expected to have exacerbated the human capital gap. Adding on, he also brought in the discussion the aspect of gender inequality in the labour market of Pakistan.

From policy perspective, he discussed the role of taxes and transfers on poverty and inequality, as well as the vulnerability of the poor households to natural disasters arising from climate change.

After his presentation he met with Dr Rashid Amjad, Director GIDS and the faculty. He expressed a desire for future collaboration between World Bank, Pakistan Office and the GIDS.


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