
Investment-GDP ratio falls to lowest since FY1973

Published in The News on May 23, 2024 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s total investment has declined to its lowest ebb since 1972-3 and now it stands at 13.1 per cent of GDP in the current fiscal year 2023-24 despite a deafening chorus of boosting up the investment climate through the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC). The investment-to-GDP ratio stood […]



GDP worked out to be 2.38pc in FY24

By Mehtab Haider Published in The News on May 22, 2024 ISLAMABAD: With an increase in per capita income in dollar terms to $1,680, Pakistan’s provisional growth rate turned positive and stood at 2.38 percent for the current fiscal year 2023-24, largely driven by the agricultural sector. Although the government missed its annual GDP growth rate target[…]



‘Normal country’ doesn’t need IMF

By Shahbaz Rana Published in The Express Tribune on May 13, 2024 ISLAMABAD: A “normal” country does not need an International Monetary Fund programme but Pakistan’s next few years seem difficult without its support, according to Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the UK Chief Economist Professor Adnan Khan. In an interview with The Express Tribune,[…]