Lecture on “The role of Foreign Assistance in the Economy of Pakistan”

Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics and Director GIDS delivered a lecture on “The role of Foreign Assistance in the Economy of Pakistan” to the Senior Management Course participants at the National Institute of  Management (NIM) for government Grade 19 officers to be promoted to Grade 20 on 13 June 2023.-Dr. Rashid Amjad, Professor of Economics and Director GIDS has been invited to serve on the Advisory Board of the recently launched South  Asian Economic History Network (SAEHN)  based in the London School of Economics with leading economic historians and leading economic history institutes all over the world. Through SAEHN GIDS will share research findings of its Economic History of Pakistan since the Mughals 1520-2020 project as well as open it to participation by leading economic historians in this field.

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