Call for Papers Conference on Social Remittances and Social Change: Links between Home and Host Communities February 21-22, 2023

Call for Papers

Conference on Social Remittances and Social Change: Links between Home and Host Communities

February 21-22, 2023

The Center for International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD) at the Lahore School of Economics invites local, regional, and international scholars to submit proposals for inclusion in the conference, to be held in Lahore, Pakistan. Papers may analyze the social ties of migrants in the host country with their home country and the diffusion of ideas, values, and behaviors that impact their home communities. If possible they may look at pairs of home and host communities, assessing social remittance exchanges and their impacts. Papers may also focus on social changes in home country households and communities generated by social remittances and their consequent impacts on beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that may affect the speed and level of development in the home country.

The overall goal of this international conference is to advance the body of knowledge about the impacts of social remittances on social change, focusing especially on the Asian and Middle Eastern countries, including Pakistan, where such research is particularly deficient.

Refer to the concept note for more details.

Abstract Submission

Please send a 250-word abstract of your proposed paper by September 15, 2022 to Dr Nasra M. Shah at

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